Enhancements in November 2008’s hotfixes

As if we’re not enough with so many enhancements that we shipped in WebScheduler SP1 — such as more powerful timeline view and innovative multiple selection , we deliver even more enhancements in November 2008’s build.

One of the most significant enhancements in WebScheduler is on its TripleLoad architecture. With latest WebScheduler build, you will experience faster load time and realtime data updates during navigation. In the past, navigation (such as clicking Prev or Next button) will cause “busy” mode while it fetches data in the background. That is no longer happening in the latest build, as “future” data will be loaded asynchronously. You can try it yourself in First Experience live sample.

We’ve also tweaked WebScheduler to eliminate unnecessary data fetching requests. As a result, WebScheduler is smoother and faster than ever. Several top-requested client-side events have also been added, such as OnMultipleCellSelected, OnCellSelected and OnCellDoubleClicked. These events enables greater client-side programmability, which allow you to customize the processes to fit your custom business logic and more advanced requirements.

Furthermore, as first announced in November 2008 newsletter, WebGrid has also received significant enhancement related to performance. We’ve reduced the footprint output by 30% to 50% in overall, based on your usage. This was made possible by eliminating unused client side data when specific features are not enabled. For instance, when pivot charting feature is not enabled, the client side data related to pivot charting will not be rendered from server side.

For more details on the fixes and enhancements made available in November 2008’s hotfixes, make sure you visit Intersoft Support Center and click on the Latest Builds links in the right panel.

Finally, I encourage you to grab and install these new updates now if you haven’t done so. To install the updates automatically, launch Update Manager from Intersoft program group. Otherwise, you can download the updates from Developer Network and install it manually.

All the best,

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