Category Archives: General

General topics, non development related.

Crosslight 2.0 Update 4 is Here!

Crosslight 2.0 Update 4 has arrived with tons of new features! New syncing services with push notifications, major improvements for iOS, stability improvements to Enterprise App Framework, and more. iOS now supports even more buttery-smooth scrolling, automatic dynamic cell height support, automatic aspect ratio calculation in thumbnail, automatic selection persistence in navigation drawer, and more. Check out the full release notes here.

In addition to hotfixes, we’re now updating the Mobile Studio installers for both Mac and Windows on every release (instead of just service pack or major release). With all our deployment processes automatically taken care, we want to make sure you get the latest product bits on every available channel, whether it’s from the update manager, access from your account, or through the trial download site. Furthermore, the new installers now clearly show the version of the Crosslight build to increase visibility of new installer builds.

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If you haven’t downloaded the latest installer, grab it now here! This upgrade is free for all customers with existing subscription.
Nicholas Lie

Video Tutorial: Getting Started with Crosslight Samples

We have just released two new video tutorials to help you get started with Crosslight samples. The first video is to help you get started with the offline and simpler samples, using predefined folders that comes with every installation of Mobile Studio, while the latter video is to help you configure the more advanced samples which utilizes the WebAPI feature. The second video is particularly useful, since there are some configurations that need to be ensured when using WebAPI on IISExpress. We have also updated the samples repository page to help you identify which samples need to use the WebAPI feature.

Getting Started with Crosslight Samples:

Configuring WebAPI-enabled Crosslight Samples:

Visit the Developer Center for a comprehensive documentation on Crosslight. If you have any questions, feel free to post it in our community forum, or drop us a mail.

Webinar: Building Gorgeous Mobile Apps with Advanced Crosslight UI and Services

We’re very happy to introduce the release of our flagship development toolset for Silverlight and WPF, ClientUI 10. ClientUI 10 has now equipped with powerful enterprise reporting services that allows you to author any kind of reports quickly and easily. What’s also great about the enterprise reporting services is also that the reports are completely viewable in Crosslight applications.

Not only that, push notification services introduced in Crosslight 2 takes away developers’ pain of having to tediously configure the necessary configurations to allow push notifications on their apps. Crosslight 2 has streamlined this process into a single unified entry point, starting from registering the device token to the platform service, receiving the device token back and saving them to the WebAPI database, and much more.

The social networking services also allows developers to perform various social network operations such as authenticating with social networks, getting the user profile info, getting list of friends, sharing content, and much more. What’s great about the social networking services, is that services are completely UI-agnostic. You can design any kind of views to use with our social network services and have them in your application, just the way you want it to be.

Watch as Nicholas introduces you to the integrated enterprise reporting services, how to view the reports on Crosslight apps, push notification services for Crosslight and how to send them across multiple devices. Last but not least, the social network services that allows you to perform various Facebook authentication completely with custom UI.

You can also find the recordings to the first and second day of the webinar, in case you’ve missed them. Also, visit our Developer Center to learn more about Crosslight. It contains hundreds of documentation topics, illustrations, walkthroughs, video tutorials, and more. If you have any questions regarding Crosslight, feel free to open up a new thread at Crosslight community forum.

Nicholas Lie

Webinar: Building Data-Aware Apps with Crosslight Enterprise Framework

Building enterprise apps will almost certainly involves data access. Crosslight aims to be the holistic solution you need to build enterprise mobile apps quickly and easily. Therefore, in this release, Crosslight 2 ships with powerful data access that supports the latest Microsoft techonlogies such as WebAPI 2 and MVC 5. To accelerate your development even further, Crosslight 2 took the extra step of creating entity designer extensions for VIsual Studio 2012 and 2013.  The entity designer extensions allow you to create reusable entity models, entity context, entity controllers, and entity services.

Watch as our Chief Technology Officer, Andry Handoko Soesilo, introduces you to the plethora of data access services such as using the entity designer extensions, explaining the concepts of data synchronization and RESTClient for streamlined data retrieval, creating a simple mobile CRM app complete with incremental loading and pull to refresh, and much more.

Also, visit our Developer Center to learn more about Crosslight. It contains hundreds of documentation topics, illustrations, walkthroughs, video tutorials, and more. If you have any questions regarding Crosslight, feel free to open up a new thread at Crosslight community forum.

Nicholas Lie

Webinar: Crosslight 2 Highlights

Crosslight 1 marks a great start for developers jumping into cross-platform mobile development. Built solid grounds, the MVVM pattern, Crosslight paves the way for extensible, maintainable, scalable, testable, and making your code highly reusable to use on four platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Crosslight 2 introduces an even more comprehensive additions to the powerful toolset to easily create enterprise mobile apps in just a very short time. This includes versatile data access services, beautiful UI components such as the navigation drawer, advanced master detail view, two new templates: business app template and the navigation drawer template. Watch the webinar recording to see how you can leverage Crosslight 2 and take advantage of its powerful features and start developing your own mobile apps today.

Also, visit our Developer Center to learn more about Crosslight. It contains hundreds of documentation topics, illustrations, walkthroughs, video tutorials, and more. If you have any questions regarding Crosslight, feel free to open up a new thread at Crosslight community forum.

Nicholas Lie