Tag Archives: Windows App Store

Video Tutorials: Understanding Screen Navigation in Crosslight – 1

To start off a wonderful new year in cross-platform mobile applications development using Crosslight, we have released another video tutorial to help you better understand how screen navigation in Crosslight works.  This is the first of two video parts that covers push navigation, modal navigation and list navigation in Crosslight.

As you may have aware, navigation is a very complex subject in mobile apps development – not to mention various kind of navigation across multiple platforms. The navigation in a single platform itself, for example Android, requires deep understanding on how Android works and its user experiences pattern. This could probably take weeks to months only to make “usable” simple navigation works – including passing data between different screens, capturing input, back mechanism, rotation handling, layout persistence, and more.

Thankfully, we’ve done all those heavy lifting works – so you don’t have to. The good news is we’ve managed to streamline various navigation scenarios across different platforms into a single, unified API – so you can build powerful navigable apps with a single set of codebase. With the screen navigation scenarios fully covered across iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8 – you should be able to focus on what is more important: business processes, user experience, and visual aspects of your app. With Crosslight, surely cross-platform mobile development had never been easier. Check out the new video tutorial below to learn how navigation works in Crosslight.

To learn more about Crosslight navigation, check out Designing Consistent Navigation Interface in our online documentation. Should you have any further questions, feel free to raise a thread in our forum. Stay tuned for more Crosslight video tutorials. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel as well!

Nicholas Lie

Video Tutorials: Understanding MVVM Pattern and Building Simple Tip Calculator App with Crosslight

We have released two new video tutorials on Crosslight to help you better understand how to develop better mobile applications using Crosslight.

Understanding MVVM Pattern in Crosslight

This video tutorial outlines in general how the MVVM pattern works in Crosslight apps development. You will learn how Crosslight leverages the MVVM concept in order to produce cross-platform projects with a single shared application layer. By the end of this video, you will be able to grasp the MVVM pattern in general as well as getting the right mindset when building apps using Crosslight.

Building Simple Tip Calculator using Crosslight

This video tutorial explains how you can build a simple tip calculator app using Crosslight  within minutes that target all four major platforms at once (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows 8). This video aims to highlight the data binding capabilities in Crosslight that leverages the MVVM pattern found in .NET applications to mobile apps development. You can find the source code for this video in our GitHub link: https://github.com/IntersoftSolutions/CrosslightSimpleTipCalculator

Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at technical@intersoftpt.com or raise a thread in our forums. Hopefully this video will give you a clearer concept how Crosslight works and how you can slash development time in more than half and increase your productivity. Stay tuned for more Crosslight video tutorials. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel as well!

Nicholas Lie

Cross Platform Mobile Development with Crosslight – Part 1

As the Crosslight development is maturing and we’re entering the last few sprints of our R1 milestone, I’m pleased to share more details about Crosslight and also providing insights and answers to many questions that have landed to my inbox since the introduction. In my previous blog post, I’ve shared about our 2013 roadmap and the new exciting direction that we’re heading to – particularly in the mobile development space.

We’re very excited with several new product lineups that we’ve got in the labs so far, and I’m sure you can feel the same excitement as well. We’re going to have new stuff in all the three existing platforms (ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF), plus a range of new mobile platforms. Sneak the previews of the upcoming ASP.NET lineups here and here.

In this first part of my blog series on Crosslight, I’ll be strongly focused on the high level overview of the product – mainly discussing the architectural overview, what it does, and how it works. Alright, enough appetizer, let’s move forward to the main course.

Native Mobile Development Goes Cross Platform

Cross platform mobile development has inevitably becomes one of the hottest subject in the programming world today. Our recent survey supports that fact very well with over 83% respondents stating they’re planning to build mobile apps targeting two or more mobile platforms in the near future. The main question here is, what tools are available today and whether the tools are ready to accomodate the fast-pacing needs – and more importantly, which is the right tool to get the job done?

Before we started the Crosslight project, there were already a number of tools for cross platform mobile development in the market such as PhoneGaps and Titanium. These tools definitely did a great job for HTML and Javascript savvy. But how about developers with particularly Silverlight/WPF skillset? While we all felt left out, it’s going to change very soon. Read on.

A Deeper Look at Crosslight

The main objective of Crosslight is to bring MVVM design pattern – a pattern that most Silverlight & WPF developers are familiar with – to the iOS and Android world. Integrated to Xamarin technologies, Crosslight opens up a whole new level of possibilities in the way you build mobile apps. Instead of writing code for each platform in their own language with completely different set of API, Crosslight lets you write application logic once with a common API which can be shared to multiple projects targeting different platforms.

This is made possible thanks to the Crosslight Foundation that provides powerful data binding implementation, high-performance messaging and commanding framework, and thoughtfully engineered application services. On the other end, Crosslight will be available on each different platform to provide the service implementation specific to the platform. Called Crosslight UI Platform, it also includes numerous pre-built user interface components and controllers that are essential to create great mobile business apps with consistent user experiences.

See the following illustration to get deeper insights on Crosslight architecture. It also shows how different technologies are stacked together in a high level perspective.

Crosslight Architecture

As seen in the above architecture diagram, Crosslight builds on the mobile development platforms provided by Xamarin and Microsoft to introduce a host of innovative view components that span across all of the 4 major mobile platforms including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows App Store.

Future new platforms can be easily supported without major changes to existing code – thanks to the Crosslight Foundation that is built upon portable technology. This obviously gives many benefits as you can avoid getting locked to certain technologies that apply only to a specific platform.

Code Reusability Accelerated to A New Height

With each mobile platform designed by different vendor – iOS designed by Apple, Android designed by Google, and Windows Phone designed by Microsoft – each platform exposes completely different API and design pattern. This makes application logic sharing one of the biggest challenges in cross-platform mobile development. To get a grasp on the API and design pattern differences of each platform, take a look at the simple Hello World implementation below.

Hello World in Xamarin.iOS:

public class MyViewController : UIViewController
    public override void ViewDidLoad()


        button.SetTitle("Click me", UIControlState.Normal);

        button.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                UIAlertView alertView = new UIAlertView();
                alertView.Title = "My MobileApp";
                alertView.Message = "Hello world from my mobile app";

Hello World in Xamarin.Android:

[Activity(Label = "AndroidApplication1", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
public class Activity1 : Activity
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)


        Button button = FindViewById<button>(Resource.Id.MyButton);

        button.Click += delegate
                AlertDialog.Builder dlgAlert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

                dlgAlert.SetMessage("Hello world from mobile app");
                dlgAlert.SetTitle("My MobileApp");
                dlgAlert.SetPositiveButton("OK", (o, e) => { });

Hello World in Windows Phone:

public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage

    private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        this.MyButton.Click += (object s, RoutedEventArgs e2) =>
                MessageBox.Show("Hello world from mobile app");

As seen in the above examples, none of the application logic code are shareable which is natural due to the API differences of each platform.

In the examples above, notice that the iOS and Android code was written in C# instead of Obj-C or Java – thanks to the Xamarin platforms that solve the language barriers in cross-platform mobile development. Xamarin provides developers the ability to share (on average) 75% of their C# code between iOS, Android, and Windows, and can reach as high as 90%. Crosslight builds on this by adding a cross-platform MVVM framework, allowing developers to consistently reach nearly 96% code reuse.

The following code samples show how to use Crosslight to build your iOS, Android, and Windows UI, reusing the same ViewModel across each platform:

Crosslight iOS App:

public class MyViewController : UIViewController<HelloWorldViewModel>

Crosslight Android App:

[Activity(Label = "AndroidApplication1", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
public class Activity1 : Activity<HelloWorldViewModel>

Crosslight Windows Phone App:

public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage

It’s awesomely clean, agree? That’s made possible as the UI logic is moved from the platform-specific views to the core MVVM project. Now the UI logic code looks like the following.

public class HelloWorldViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public HelloWorldViewModel()
        this.HelloCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.ExecuteHelloCommand);

    public DelegateCommand HelloCommand { get; set; }

    private void ExecuteHelloCommand(object parameter)
        this.MessagePresenter.Show("Hello world from Crosslight mobile app", "My App");

If you’ve built Silverlight or WPF apps with Intersoft ClientUI – which I highly presumed you have – then you should recognize the above code at the first look. It leverages the design pattern similar to ClientUI such as delegate command and view presenter. Later on, you’ll find more APIs that you’re already accustomed to – which allow you to get started quickly with very minimal learning curves.

As always, our goal is to simplify developer’s life and make the jobs done with the right tool. Crosslight was designed to do just that. With app UI logic now sharable, it boosted the overall code reusability to nearly 96%, leaving the small percentage on the app-specific layers such as views and controllers.

Code Reusability

The above illustration visualizes the typical code reusability in cross-platform mobile development and shows how Crosslight supercharge it to a whole new, never-before-possible level.

True Native Mobile Apps

In the past few weeks, I received numerous emails asking if Crosslight uses HTML as its main presentation layer but wrapped as native app. That’s what the other solutions such as PhoneGaps are doing. In contrast, Crosslight is a cross-platform solution that completely uses native platform API. This doesn’t only give you the best user interface that conforms to the platform guidelines, it also delivers great performance and extremely smooth UX that cannot be simulated with HTML. See the illustration below to get a proper understanding on the platform-specific user experiences enabled in Crosslight.

Crosslight embraces the best of both worlds: maximum code reusability and amazing user experiences.

Obviously, it’ll be always the best option to build apps in native user experiences as you can leverage many of the pre-built platform API, including the high-performance UI virtualization, multi-touch gestures, navigation, animations and much more. The only question is whether it’s possible to do so with the skills you already accustomed to – well, now it is.

Wrapping Up

At this point, I hope you’ve got it clear that Crosslight targets pure native platforms. No HTML or Javascript is required. You use C# to write code and layer your apps in 3-tier architecture as you may have done in Silverlight or WPF applications. Because Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android apps are 100% native, the final output are real native binaries that conform to the platform byte code and processor instructions. They are not virtualized, cross-compiled, or interpreted – in fact they feature the same level of performance and resources management as in the apps produced by the original platform’s compiler.

In this blog post, I’ve only scratched the surface of the Crosslight architecture. As an official Xamarin Premier Partner, we are working closely with Xamarin in our vision to create the most comprehensive sets of cross-platform frameworks and reusable view components that help developers build cross-platform mobile apps in dramatically less time with less effort. As the results, you will be able to rapidly create amazing mobile business apps with native user experiences while maximizing code sharing.

In the next blog series, I will share more details such as more code-level tutorials and basic API usage, UI & UX design best practices and how they conform to each platform guidelines, as well as many great features like universal data management, streamlined navigation and various mobile services. Anyway, I hope this post gives you a comprehensive overview of Crosslight and how we leveraged different pieces of latest technologies to deliver the most elegant solution for cross-platform native mobile development.

Sign Up for Beta

Last but not least, we’re opening a private beta for selected candidates who are willing to contribute significant feedback and help us testing the product features in details. If you believe that you’re the right candidate we’re looking for, please click here to sign up for a beta. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next posts!

All the best,